Author Archives: Jony

Lagertha – The Viking Queen

Ragnar Lodbrok was the legendary king of the Vikings who ruled over Denmark and Sweden. [...]

Bragi and Idun Return from Death

The story of the giant Thiassi kidnapping Idun is likely familiar to many readers. However, [...]

Starkad’s Tale of Tragedy and Glory – The Man Blessed and Cursed (Part 1)

In Norse mythology, there were many confrontations between the Aesir and the Giants, the two [...]

Elves in Norse Mythology: Nature Spirits Between Blessings and Perils

Elves (Old Norse álfr, plural álfar), sometimes translated as “fairies” or “nature spirits”, are famous [...]

Sigurd and Siegfried: A Comparison of the Dragon Slaying Heroes

Sigurd and Siegfried are two of the most famous dragon slayers and heroes in Norse [...]

The Rise and Fall of Skuld, the ruthless Queen of Denmark

The Norse myths and legends contain a fascinating figure – Skuld, a woman of both [...]

The Triquetra Symbol: Meanings You May Not Know

The triquetra is an ancient Celtic symbol that has endured for centuries and taken on [...]

The Bifröst Bridge in Norse Mythology

In Norse mythology, the Bifröst Bridge served as a vital connection between the worlds of [...]

Halloween Origins: Traditions, Symbols and Celebrations

Halloween Origins explores the history and traditions behind the annual Halloween celebration, tracing its roots [...]

The Mysterious Mayan Prophecy of the World’s End

One of the greatest legacies left behind by the immense Maya civilization is their sophisticated [...]