The popular TV show Vikings premiered in 2013 and introduced mainstream audiences to aspects of Viking culture that were lesser known before. Through compelling characters like Ragnar Lothbrok, the show sparked new interest in Norse mythology, runic alphabets, and Viking body art traditions. One symbol that gained significant popularity thanks to its portrayal in Vikings is the Vegvisir (Vegvísir), an ancient compass-like symbol that was believed to guide and protect travelers through dangerous conditions. Let’s take a deeper look at the history and meaning behind this intriguing piece of Viking iconography.

Archaeological evidence indicates the Vegvisir symbol dates back to at least the Viking Age in Scandinavia between the 8th and 11th centuries CE. Runestones and other artifacts from this period have been discovered containing compass-like diagrams similar to the Vegvisir. According to historians, it was understood as a magical stave or compass meant to guide Viking warriors who were confined on ships with limited visibility to see the path ahead. Carved or drawn on objects like vessels, weapons, and runestones, the Vegvisir was believed to show the way and lead its bearer home regardless of difficult circumstances like fog or storms at sea.

The Vegvisir stave consists of various straight lines extending outward from a central point, almost like the points of a compass rose but with added internal lines. Some scholars think this was a symbolic representation of the winds or directions. At its core, the purpose of the Vegvisir was to aid navigation and ensure safe travel by magically showing the direction one should go. It offered security, truth, and trust that the path would be found no matter the challenges along the way. Beyond practical guidance, the symbol came to carry meanings of spiritual protection, guidance in life’s journey, and reassurance that the truth will be discovered despite obstacles.

In the modern era, the Veggisir has become a popular tattoo design thanks to its association with Viking culture. Inspired by its portrayal on characters in the Vikings series, many fans of the show have opted to permanently ink the symbol onto their skin. Celebrities like Icelandic musician Bjork have also been spotted with Vegvisir tattoos over the years. While the placement of tattoos differed between gender in Viking times, with men sometimes marking their faces and women favoring arms and shoulders, today the Vegvisir is worn in many spots on the body like legs, backs, or sides. Some get it solo while others combine it with additional Norse images like serpents or dragons.

Beyond tattoos, the symbol has expanded into various other mediums. It is commonly seen on jewelry, clothing, home goods, and other Viking-inspired handicrafts available today. Due to its meanings of protection, guidance, and finding truth, the Vegvisir remains a personally significant emblem for many who connect with Norse beliefs or simply appreciate Viking history and culture. It shows how an ancient runic symbol can take on new life in the present day through creative expressions and modern interests. While Vikings themselves may not have understood the symbol quite the same way as contemporary beholders do, the Vegvisir has undoubtedly carried its power to inspire and guide across the centuries.

In Viking lore, there were said to be three main types or classes of Vegvisir symbols:

  • Spell of Terror was the name given to Vegvisirs tattooed onto a warrior’s forehead before battle to strike fear in enemies.
  • Used as an actual compass for navigation during storms or as an amulet of guidance meant to keep one walking the straight path of truth.
  • The final group was called the Helm of Disguise which functioned similarly to a mask or helmet worn by warriors into combat.

Some common misconceptions about Vegvisirs also exist. For instance, the symbol was not widely used as a general compass for wayfinding on land, but rather served more esoteric, spiritual purposes according to tradition. It’s also untrue that wearing or carrying the symbol today automatically provides any mystical benefits. While meaningful as a reminder of principles like truth and protection, there is no empirical evidence the stave wields real magical powers.

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Overall, the Vegvisir tattoo has become a popular trend today owing to the interest people show in Norse mythology. It makes for an easily designed and complication-free inking provided it’s done by a skilled artist. The importance lies in its profound symbolic significance and meaning rather than any purported enchantments. One can opt for a small discrete version or a larger prominent placement across areas like the back. But most importantly, understanding its significance beyond just Viking fandom is recommended for those marking their skin with this enduring symbol of guidance.

Questions and Answers about the Vegvisir Rune

Q: What is Vegvísir?

A: Vegvísir is an Icelandic magical stave or symbol intended to help the bearer find their way through rough weather according to Icelandic folklore.

Q: When was it first recorded?

A: The vegvísir symbol is first attested in the Huld Manuscript, collected in Iceland by Geir Vigfusson in Akureyri in 1860, and does not have any earlier attestations.

Q: What does the name mean?

A: Vegvísir is a compound word from Old Norse meaning “way-shower”, formed from “vegur” meaning “way, road, path” and “vísir” meaning “to show, to let know, to guide”.

Q: What is the symbol made of?

A: The Vegvísir symbol consists of various straight lines extending outward from a central point, almost like the points of a compass rose but with added internal lines.

Q: What was its purpose according to folklore?

A: According to the Huld Manuscript, it was intended to help the bearer find their way through rough weather and that “if this sign is carried, one will never lose one’s way in storms or bad weather, even when the way is not known”.

Q: How is it sometimes portrayed today?

A: Today, the Vegvísir symbol has become a popular tattoo design, often combined with other Norse imagery like dragons or serpents. It is also commonly seen in jewelry, clothing, home goods and other Viking-inspired handicrafts.