Frigg is one of the most prominent female figures in Norse mythology. She is the wife of Odin, the king of the gods, and is considered the queen of the Aesir gods. Frigg is the goddess of fertility, marriage, wisdom, family matters, motherhood, and domestic life. She also symbolizes motherly love and womanly advice.
Role in Norse Mythology
As Odin’s wife and the queen of the gods, Frigg sits by his side on the majestic throne Hliðskjálf. From here, she can observe all that occurs in the nine realms and beyond. She acts as an advisor and counsel to Odin. Frigg has power over the destinies of humans and gods alike, though she is omniscient and knows all fates, she does not often reveal them.
Frigg is a very protective mother. She has two sons, Balder the beloved and the blind god Höðr. When Balder began having terrible dreams of his death, Frigg made every object in the world swear never to harm him, except for the mistletoe plant which she thought too young and small. This oversight led to Balder’s death at the hands of Höðr and the trickster god Loki. Frigg was deeply grieved by Balder’s death and helped Odin attempt to retrieve him from the underworld.

Home and Handmaidens
Frigg resides in the magnificent hall of Fensalir. Here she has nine handmaidens that assist her with domestic tasks like weaving clouds, preparing meals, and caring for children. Her most devoted handmaiden is Fulla, who carries Frigg’s own advisor. The others are Sága, Eistla, Hlin, Gefn, Þorgerðr Hölgabrúðr, Irpa, and Gná.
Connection to Other Goddesses
Frigg shares similarities with the Greco-Roman goddess Juno and Venus. In Norse culture, Friday is named after Frigg, just as the Romans named Friday after Venus. Likewise, the Germanic name for Friday is “Freya’s Day” in reference to the Norse fertility goddess Freyja, who Frigg is sometimes synonymous or competing with. Frigg also represents similar concepts of motherhood, wisdom, and domesticity as other maternal goddesses.
Legacy in Modern Culture
Frigg remains an influential figure in modern depictions of Norse mythology. Richard Wagner featured her as the goddess Freia in his opera cycle Der Ring des Nibelungen. Mentions of Frigg can also be found in modern fiction influenced by Norse legends. She continues to symbolize the virtues of maternal care, counsel, and protective love as the great matriarch watching over gods and humans alike from her heavenly hall of Fensalir. Frigg stands as one of the most prominent goddesses in Norse religion and Germanic paganism.